Terms of use

1. As our services are provided free of charge, the website is not regulated under the Consumer Rights Protection Act.

2. The website bears no responsibility for transactions conducted by users with third parties.

3. We ensure the confidentiality of the information you submit to our database. Your data may be utilized to communicate with you. Moreover, with your consent, we reserve the right to share the data you provide in the application with the creditor to facilitate the issuance of necessary funds to you. Additionally, we reserve the right to use your information for anonymized marketing research purposes. For more details on privacy conditions, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

4. Users must not violate the current legislation of regarding our site and its services, namely:

  • Users are prohibited from publishing and distributing addresses, contact information without the owners' permission, as well as representing third parties.
  • Users are prohibited from knowingly disseminating false information that violates the law or offends the honour and dignity of others. This includes propaganda of enmity, discriminatory language, defamation, and negative criticism of third parties or companies.
  • Users are prohibited from introducing and spreading malicious programs and viruses that can disrupt the operation of our service, harm the database, or telecommunication system.
  • Users are prohibited from causing moral harm to minors or infringing upon their rights and freedoms.
  • Users must not use our service to commit criminal, fraudulent, and other unlawful actions against third parties or organizations.
  • Users are not allowed to publish serial numbers and codes for cracking commercial programs or other Internet resources, as well as links to sites containing such malicious information.

5. The content displayed on the website is protected by Copyright Law and other relevant local and international regulations. Hence, users are prohibited from using the content for personal gain or engaging in unlawful activities.

Prohibition on Copying, Saving, and Distributing Images

Users of the website are prohibited from copying, saving, and distributing images posted on this website without prior written consent from the rights holder. All images published on the website are protected by copyright and other applicable intellectual property laws.

Terms of Use for Images

  • Copyright. All images posted on the website are the property of their respective rights holders and are protected by law. The use of images without permission from the copyright holders is strictly prohibited.
  • Copying and Saving. Users are prohibited from copying, downloading, taking screenshots, saving, or otherwise reproducing images found on the website without prior written permission from the rights holder.
  • Distribution. Users are prohibited from distributing images posted on the website, including by transmitting them to third parties, posting them on the internet, placing them on other websites, or sharing them on social media, without prior written permission from the rights holder.
  • Exceptions. In specific instances mentioned on the website, exceptions to the above rules may be provided, subject to strict compliance with all conditions and restrictions outlined in such instances.
  • Liability. Violating these terms may result in civil, administrative, and criminal liability in accordance with applicable law. The rights holder reserves the right to seek compensation for damages caused by unauthorized use of the images.
  • Contact Information. To obtain permission to use the images or for any other questions related to the use of images posted on the website, please contact the site administration through the contact form or the provided contact details.

These rules are an integral part of the website's user agreement. Users who violate these rules may face sanctions, including blocking access to the website and other legal measures.